Monday, 7 February 2011

Meat Free Monday - Flatbread Pizza

Today's Meat Free Monday was simple but delicious...and good for you (well, me, and hopefully you!)!

Flatbread Pizzas

Ingredients - anything you fancy on your pizza! I had...
- onion
- sweetcorn
- jarred peppers
- courgette
- mushroom
- basil
- tomato sauce
- grated cheese

Along with...
- flatbreads
- salad leaves
- spinach
- seed mix for salad sprinkling (idea courtesy of Laura at Keeping Slim and Getting Stylish!)

1. Chop all your pizza toppings, sauce up your flatbreads and add toppings.
2. Cook on gas mark 5 for 20 minutes.
3. Mix up your salad leaves and spinach.
4. Add salad to plate and sprinkle with seeds. Serve pizza!



Dotty said...

Looks delicious and healthy and I'm impressed by how organised your worktop is!!!(I'm from the "dollop" school of cookery)

Unknown said...

I can't take any credit for the tidy vegetables - that was entirely Oliver's handiwork! What you can't see is my pile-up of a pizza ha! x

Trains and Sewing Machines said...

YUM! homemade pizza is the BEST

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